Red Light Therapy in Minnetonka MN

Red light therapy in Minnetonka MN is a simple, non-invasive treatment that delivers red and near-infrared light to a person's skin and cells. This is just like the wavelengths of light your body needs from natural sunlight, but without the heat or UV rays that cause sun damage.
Red light therapy works because healthy light intake is crucial for our health. It's essential for our cellular function and energy production, just like water, sleep, and the nutrients from food.
Red light therapy and near-infrared light therapy fall into different light spectrums. Red light falls into the visible part of the light spectrum between 630-700 nm on the electromagnetic scale and is used to treat the surface of the skin. Near-infrared wavelengths fall into the invisible part of the light spectrum between 700 and 1200 nm and penetrate deep enough to stimulate the mitochondria of the body's cells.
The human body gets energy (ATP) from mitochondrial activity. The more mitochondrial activity, the more ATP is produced which makes us feel and heal better.
The unique wavelengths of Red Light and Near Infrared light stimulate cellular and mitochondrial energy, breaking down fat cells, and releasing their contents harmlessly into the bloodstream.
The red light reaches the fat cells-opening up transient pores and allowing the fat cell contents to be released. The near-Infrared light reaches the mitochondria and allows it to produce more ATP and accelerate healing. Near-Infrared light also increases collagen and elastin formation in the connective tissues between fat cells, which results in a superior degree of body contouring and helps to eliminate cellulite and sagging skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Along with fat reduction, Red Light Therapy has been shown to be effective in treating chronic conditions such as neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, fibromyalgia, and migraines, as well as injuries such as bursitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, and all types of sports injuries. Patients have even reported quick and easy improvements when applying Red Light to skin conditions such as severe sunburns and 3rd degree burns.

Body Contouring is very safe and involves no pain, cutting or invasive procedures. It actually mimics the same process as exercise, except with exercise the hormones are the triggers that cause cells to release fats, instead of the light. Each therapeutic red light session is 20-30 minutes plus an additional 10 minutes standing on the shake plate to stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation and help process the fat that has been released.
LIMITED TIME OFFER: $47 discovery session for our red light therapy (consult + 1 red light session +Bio-impedance analysis + vibration plate therapy)
Body Contouring is very safe and involves no pain, cutting or invasive procedures. It actually mimics the same process as exercise, except with exercise the hormones are the triggers that cause cells to release fats, instead of the light. Each therapeutic red light session is 20-30 minutes plus an additional 10 minutes standing on the shake plate to stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation and help process the fat that has been released.

We ask that you don't eat 1 hour before and one hour after each treatment and drink water before each treatment and continue throughout the day to help flush the fat and toxins from your system. It also helps to wear compression clothing for a minimum of 4 hours proceeding treatment to encourage release of fat contents into the lymphatic system and away from fat cells.
While it is possible to see benefits from a single session, it takes 10-12 to see significant, long lasting results. This type of therapy is cumulative, so consistency is important. We commend 2-3 sessions per week every other day to allow your body time to process the extra fat.
Red Light Therapy Explained
8:00am - 5:45pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 5:45pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 5:45pm
Saturday & Sunday
The Arne Clinic
12991 Ridgedale Dr
Minnetonka, MN 55305